Bee here, Bee present!
Our mission as H.I.V.E. (Helping Individuals Value Engagement) is to create a more connected community educated on having healthy relationships with technology.
In this day and age, technology is everywhere. In many cases, it is beneficial to the betterment of society, but it can also be addictive and isolating. We want to create and communicate local, in-person, social events to the public to increase engagement in our community. Many people, especially young adults and pre-teens, spend hours each day on their phones recieving artificial connections via social media. We want to replace this with real-life, physical interactions with other people. We hope this will cause more people to seek out in-person events and socialization over scrolling once they are exposed more to it.

How Can I Engage More??
Want to get BUZZ-Y with other bees while being screen-free?
Playing board games/collaborative games
Hanging out
Getting food
Going to a movie
Attending a sports game
Participating in community programs

Want some sweet as honey activities to do without a screen?
Making art
Listening/playing music